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2015 5+ Hours of Light

Next Saturday we will be celebrating the shortest day of the year and our love of fat bikes with the 5th annual (can you believe that?!) 5+ Hours of Light. The medals have been baked which means it's time to give you all the details you need to know.

Inspired by our summer solstice event (the 24 Hours of Light) this winter festival follows the same set of "rules" - no artificial lights and no dogs. You can treat this event like a race (solo men, solo women or teams) and the winners are those who complete the most laps within the 5 hours and 38 minutes of daylight we will have on December 19th. Alternatively, you can come up at any point during the day and ride a lap or two for fun.

The course is the same as last year and early reports are that the grooming work that has been done on the trails is setting up really nicely. Thanks to Paul, Anthony and Sky for doing that work. At this time, we do not have a ski course planned. There is still a fair bit of work to do on some of the biathlon trails to make that happen and we aren't sure there is enough interest. The race begins and ends in the biathlon range and we will have access to the Bears' Den (i.e.: inside with heat) again this year. Thanks to Biathlon Yukon for continuing to support our club by sharing these excellent facilities with us.

There will be a warm lunch provided as well as coffee and snacks so please bring your own mug/bowl and utensils if you would like to partake.

If, at 9am on the morning of the event, Environment Canada is showing -28C or colder, the race will be postponed. That information will be updated here and on the Facebook event page.

The basics: Date: Saturday December 19, 2015 Time: Registration 9:30am, race start is at sunrise (10:08am), finish is sunset (3:46pm) Location: Biathlon Yukon in the Bears’ Den (Grey Mountain Road) Cost: $10 for CMBC members/$20 for non-members


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