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CMBC February Newsletter

Hey awesome Yukon mountain bikers!

Our CMBC crew is working very hard to prepare the 2019 Biking Season. Here are our lastest updates!

1. Become a 2019 CMBC Member

You can now purchase your 2019 CMBC membership. For more info: 2019 Membership

Memberships are only $15 and are good for: races, recreational events, group rides, advocacy, trail-building and maintenance, discounts from sponsors, skills classes etc...and YES you have discounts to local businesses and Sacred Rides!

2. 2019 CMBC Events

For upcoming events, visit the CMBC event calendar as we will be getting into the goods soon! Multiple events will be added shortly to the list, including Skills Clinics, Enduro Race and more.


Unfortunately, the 2019 Fatbike Fondo won't be running this year! We didn't have enough volunteers to run the event. Maybe next year?We have a new event this year, replacing the 20+HOL. Save the date for KLONDIKE KRANKFEST JULY 12-14, 2019!!! Mt. Sima will be hosting CMBC's new summer mountain bike festival...we have tons of fun stuff planned, including a DH race, an enduro race, a XC race, skills clinics, bike demos, kids activities, weekend-long camping, food trucks, music, trailside bike repair workshops, and more! Stay tuned as we release more details in the coming weeks here and on our website.

3. CMBC Trail Development Guiding Principles

In fall 2018, CMBC undertook an exercise to engage members in what they thought the club’s trail priorities should be. We had a great response, with 75 people responding to our survey and over 30 people attending our workshop. THANK YOU for your great input, members! Based on the outcomes of the survey and workshop, we came up with these following guiding principles:

CMBC Trail Development Guiding Principles

Progression – allowing for skill development while still building fun trails for advanced riders

Connections – enhancing connections to optimize the existing trail network

Sustainability – balancing the needs of today, and tomorrow, and ensuring our decisions today support trail and organizational longevity/sustainability

The board is going to use these pillars to help us prioritize new trail projects, as ideas and requests come in, over the next year. We will revisit after a year of using these guiding principles to adjust as needed, and move forward with successes.

For more info, visit Trail development section of our website.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any comments/questions.

See you on the trails!



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