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Royalty of the Canyon update!

Hello! Here are our latest updates!

- The course is flagged and major, obvious hazards have been removed. 

- Each significant corner will have either 3 flags on a tree or three in a row flags on different trees preceding the turn on the turn side of the trail.

As you approach the turn, you need to look at the trail in the direction of the 3 flags and you will see a flag on the trail confirming the correct way.

You should not have to stop but if you are not sure, do STOP and confirm your route.

See photo of a corner example.

- We will use the same route from Whitehorse Recreational Trail Map App that u can find under --> /find rides/ King of the Canyon long 2013 or King of the Canyon short 2013.

See photo of a screen shot as an example.

- If you are not tracking your route and using Strava timing, please send times to by 1800hrs on Aug 22. - There are 2 Strava Segments that have been created for us to use to check your times. I suppose if you don't follow the trail, you wont get a time.  - Disputes will be sorted by me (Colin) based on your story, how many volley hours you have put towards CMBC this year or how many trail reports on TrailForks you have done in 2020.

It's a highly subjective assessment process. Just don't put me in that position ;)

- The first 25 km loop for the 50km is flagged in pink from Schwatka Lake parking lot until the turn off for the 25 km loop.

Then you will follow orange flagging for the remaining 25 km.

There will be sign at the bottom of upper roller coaster showing 50km turn off and 25 km turn off.

50km riders will be riding the 25 km loop as the second half of their 50km ride.

It's fairly self explanatory when u are out there.

Hard to explain in text.

Follow signage and flags and you will be fine.

Textual version of routeing:

All riders start from Schwatka Lake boat launch between 0900am and 1700hrs.  

Up the access road to chadburn lake road following both pink and orange flagging

Turn left onto chadburn lake road

Turn right onto side road and immediately left onto yellow.

Yellow to hidden lakes parking lot

Hidden lake trail around to second hidden lake to the bottom of peewee hill

Up peewee (up lower roller coaster).

Stay to the right at the top and follow your loop flags. 

50km: turn left on upper roller coaster and follow pink only flagging

Cross grey mtn road into mag pk lot

Turn right on a no name green trail to bottom of yellow brick road

Up 3/4 of the way ybr

mag green (not the steep up cut off-actual green)

Wood cutters

Up woodcutters


Boogaloo hieghts

Upper boogaloo 

Right onto no shirt no service up

Hula girl via the lookout off fat tire fever (not the bypass trail) 


Broken truck 

Boogaloo lakes

Boogaloo north 

Lower boogaloo 

left onto Dans trail left

Cross grey mtn road 

Upper riverdale trail

Along ridge to bottom of upper roller coaster then follow 25 km route and orange flags

25 km:

from bottom of upper roller coaster start following orange only flagging

Right along double track to cantlie connector (long flat) 

To cantlie road and turn left to go up to Grey mtn road

Right on grey mtn road

Right on payback

Right on sfd

Left onto cantlie road

Cross creek

Right on girl friend

Left on juicy

Right on Yukon River Trail

At Canyon city, follow double track red ski trail till u see yellow (and my flagging of course)

Follow yellow to Schwatka Lake parking lot. Stop time. 

I hope to see you out there as I blow past you.

Stay safe, ride within your limits, have fun and thanks for supporting your local bike clubs.

- Colin McCann (Updated information, current as of August 20, 2020 at 8:00pm)

Royalty of the Canyon is this weekend, on August 22nd!

As you may have suspected, we are going to do something a little different due to COVID-19

Join us on Grey Mountain for the annual Yukon Mountain Bike Championship - Royalty of the Canyon (Formerly called King of the Canyon)! Schedule of the day:

- Race starts anytime after 9:00am 

- Race finished at 5:00pm

Location: Starting at the Schwatka lake boat launch on Chadburn Lake Road (Grey Mountain area).

The winner of the race will be crowned!

50KM- King and Queen

25KM- Prince and Princess

Contact us if you have any comments/questions.




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