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TOONIE RACE Summer Schedule!

We are excited to announce Toonie Races will be happening in June and July. Challenge yourself, challenge your friends, come and ride a flagged course and give'r!

Dates: MONDAY June 8th, June 22nd and July 6th.

Time: 7pm start time (come earlier to register and pay your $2, bring exact change if you can please!).

Location: Mt. Mac (meet at the Mt.Mac pump track / skills park area).

Distance: Approximately 16km total (but that's 4 laps of a 4km course, so if you'd like to do less distance you can just do fewer laps).

Rules: You must be a CMBC Member to participate in these races. Please be nice to everyone on the trails, support each other (and other trail users) and be even nicer to the volunteers! :)


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