EDITED APRIL 25: Since the weather is looking pretty awful for Saturday, this event has been postponed to next Saturday, May 4. All other details remain the same.
Due to Sooner or later, all this snow is going to melt. That means it’s almost time for mountain bike season to start. Our first event of the 2013 season is a Bike Garage Sale. This will be happening at Icycle Sport from 11:00am-1:00pm on Saturday April 27th.

Similar to last year, people are invited to bring their bike gear to the Icycle Sport parking lot (9002 Quartz Rd) between 11:00am-1:00pm to sell.
If you have a bicycle you’d like to sell, but can not be at Icycle for the day, you can drop it off with a CMBC board member between 10:30am-11:00am at Icycle Sport and it will be placed on the floor for you. This will be done at your own risk and it must be picked up by 1:30 pm, or it will be donated to a local organization.
If you are interested in selling bike gear (parts, trainers, speedometers, tires, wheels, etc…) you will need to stay with your gear.
We will have tables that can be used for set up.
Proceeds from the event will be donated to CMBC for 2013 events. We ask for 10% of the final sale price of full bikes and $10 for table space to sell your own miscellaneous items.
CMBC is excited to announce that we are moving to an electronic registration system for club membership this year and that will be ready to go at the swap. Come down, sign up for the season and find out what awesome events we have planned.