June 2021 - COVID UPDATE #2
Hello All, With careful consideration and a lot of advice, we have decided to continue with our operations, clinics and events. If our...
June 2021 - COVID UPDATE #2
June 2021 - COVID UPDATE
May News!
Reminder: Planning Meeting Feb 10
Planning Meeting
Our AGM is tomorrow!
Welcome to spring!
Grand Fondo start line has been moved
New 'Dirt Girls - CMBC' Facebook Page
Fat Bike Gran Fondo MARCH 12th
2016 Planning Meeting is coming up on Monday Feb 1st!
2014 - What's Happening
Help plan the 2014 season
Group Rides - keep 'em or let them go?
The Boogaloos
Welcome to Your Backyard - May 11th Kick-Off
Boogaloo to Boréale update
Boogaloo to Boréale
Updates on Club Group Rides and Dirt Girls
Summer Kick-Off