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Our AGM is on November 15th!

Updated: Oct 22, 2021

Hey Members! It's that time of year, where we are getting prepped for our AGM. The date is set for Nov 15th at 7:00pm at Association Franco-Yukonnaise in the Large Gathering Room located at 302 Strickland Street. The AGM will be available for in-person attendance and will also be available for virtual attendance. Your participation is important as we need your vote on multiple initiatives, such as; nominations for awards and recruitment of new board members.

During this evening we will cover...

1) Share your passion for mountain biking by joining the CMBC board!

CMBC is looking for members who are interested in joining the board at our upcoming AGM. We are recruiting for positions of: - President, - Vice President, - Secretary, and - directors-at-large; trail, recreation, communication As a volunteer on the board, you get to take a leadership role in things like organizing mountain bike events, fundraising for community and club projects, and trail work. You would be required to be a CMBC member to join the board and ideally able to attend most of the board meetings (the board meets once a month throughout the year.)

As a member of CMBC board, you can take advantage of learning life, business and HR skills through our affiliation with Sports Yukon training programs.

If you are interested, and/or if you would like to learn more about being on the board, please contact

2) Volunteer of the Year Award and Chris McNeill Trail Steward Award

Every year at our AGM, CMBC hands out two awards to members who have stood out in their contributions to the club and mountain bike community over the past year. Our volunteer of the year award goes to someone who has stood out in their contributions to the club overall, while the trail steward award goes to a member who has put in sweat equity to build and maintain our beautiful trail network.

Do you know a CMBC member (or several) who you think should be recognized this year for either of these awards?

Send us your nominations to! The awards are handed out at our AGM.

3) Socialize with like minded folks

Hear what we have been up to and share some mountain biking adventures with old and new friends ones.

Save the date! More details coming soon!



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