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December News

Hi CMBC Members! Our Team has been working diligently behind the scenes in preparation for the 2020 Season!

In November, we held our AGM + Movie Night; where we elected board members, passed two special resolutions, announced Scott Keesey and the Keesey Family as Chris McNeill Trail Stewards of the Year, announced Julie DesBrisay as the Volunteer of the Year, and we reviewed 2019 activities and finances. We finished the AGM off with a movie screening of the new Anthill Films movie, Return to Earth.

Early in December, we had our first board meeting with our new and existing board members. We put some finishing touches together for our upcoming 5+ Hours of Light Fat Bike Festival, went over our board member roles and made a plan for January meetings.

CMBC News:

1. 5+ Hours of Light Fat Bike Festival

This year, the 5+HOL Fat Bike Festival will be held on Solstice, December 21, 2019 at Wolf Creek Campground. Come out for all or part of the day. Race solo, or as a team (8 max) Same concept at 24HOL – but in the winter, on snow, with fatbikes – ride as many laps as you can.

Join our 5+HOL Fat Bike Festival Facebook Event for more details.

We are still looking for Potluck volunteers - please click here sign up.

NOTES: • We have prizes this year! Thank you Icycle Sports & Cadence Cycle • Please bring reusable dishes/cutlery for your meal. We have limited paper plates and want to encourage planet loving habits going forward. • Please bring your own mug for the hot drinks. • We will have Klondike Krankfest GSI Travel Mugs available that we are selling for $30 • Parking might be limited so we're encouraging people to carpool if you can. • Please leave🐾your better half (dog) at home. • Cash only entry ($10 for 2019 CMBC Members, $20 for 2019 Non-CMBC Members) • There will be a -25C Weather Cut Off

2. January Event Planning Meeting

We will be hosting the 2020 Event Planning Meeting at the Whitehorse Public Library, Monday, January 20th. (specific time of day to be confirmed closer to the date) We will be deciding which events to run for the year, select dates and find volunteers to run them. Come on out and tell us what you’d like to see from us in 2020 and how you can help make it happen! Snacks and bevies provided. Join our January Event Planning Meeting Facebook Event for updates.

3. 2020 CMBC Membership

A Yearly CMBC membership is $15.00 Registration opens January 1st, 2020. Top 3 Reasons to buy a Contagious Mountain Bike Club (CMBC) membership: a) You want to participate in members-only CMBC events (Dirt Girls, Skill Clinics, Trail Work Nights, etc.) b) You want to receive discounts from local sponsors c) You want to show support for trail building, trail maintenance and off-road cycling advocacy by CMBC in Yukon

4. Medicine Chest Dirt Girls

We are making some exciting changes for the 2020 Season!

a) Please JOIN our new Dirt Girls Facebook Group All 2020 Dirt Girls rides, updates and info will be posted to this group going forward. Not only will this be a great place for us to post our weekly rides, this change will also allow Dirt Girls members to post in the group to plan their own rides, sell items and have discussions within the Dirt Girls community. 😍 b) Please LIKE our CMBC Facebook Page We will eventually be removing the Dirt Girls Facebook Page and will be using our main CMBC Facebook Page to manage all of our events, rides, races, and trail maintenance nights in the future. If you have any questions regarding this change, please let us know!

5. Fat Bike Etiquette Reminder

We love seeing so many of you out on your fat bikes! If you are not familiar with the etiquette we encourage, please take a moment to review our Fat Biking Etiquette page.

See you on the trails,



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