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Welcome to spring!

Hey awesome Yukon mountain bikers! It's that time of year when we are all SO STOKED to start riding some dirt!! This is just a friendly reminder to hang on until trails dry out to get out there on your mountain bike. If you're sinking in, you could be doing damage to the trails that will last all season unless someone else goes out there to fix it. We have little to no topsoil, and the clay will keep permanent ruts once it does dry out. Also, riding around wet areas and features can very quickly create trail braids, which we want to avoid - keep singletrack single! Thank you, everyone, for your ongoing support and enthusiasm for the mountain bike community.

Going forward, keep an eye out for upcoming events on the CMBC event calendar ( as we will be getting into the goods soon! Beginner and Intermediate skills clinics are starting this month, with spots still available for the Gravity Skills Camp and Shred Hard Camp with Dylan Sherrard! For full details, itinerary and signup information check out:!/events/4310-2018-cmbc-camps.

Finally, if you haven't already signed up for your 2018 CMBC membership, consider purchasing it now before you need it! Memberships are only $15 and are good for: races, recreational events, advocacy, trail-building and maintenance, discounts from sponsors (local bike and beer businesses, Sacred Rides and more), skills classes etc. Heck, it’s probably good for karma, too. Memberships can be found:

See you on the trails soon!


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